New Book Release

‘Engineering Translational Models of Lung Homeostasis and Disease’

We are delighted to announce the release of “Engineering Translational Models of Lung Homeostasis and Disease”. Dr. Charlotte Dean and Dr. Sek-Shir Cheong contributed a chapter to this book entitled ‘Simple Models of Lung Development’. We wanted to share some insights about this exciting publication.

This book pushes the boundaries of interdisciplinary collaboration in the realm of lung research. By integrating established knowledge in lung biology and physiology with innovative engineering strategies, this publication aims to foster advancements and facilitate a deeper understanding of lung disease for researchers, clinicians, and medical practitioners.

A distinguishing feature of the book is its systematic exploration of specific lung regions, presenting an integrated perspective that seamlessly combines biological and clinical viewpoints with complementary engineering approaches. By bridging the gap between engineering and lung biology, the text provides an ideal platform to delve into emerging models that enhance our understanding of lung disease and repair processes.

Notably, “Engineering Translational Models of Lung Homeostasis and Disease” not only highlights the current translational challenges faced in the field but also unveils exciting engineering opportunities to overcome these obstacles. The book serves as a catalyst for interdisciplinary collaboration and offers valuable insights for researchers and clinicians across disciplines such as engineering, materials science, cell biology, pulmonary medicine, and clinical science. To learn more or to secure your copy of the book, please visit the official publication page: